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Reservation even in the libraries of NIT colleges… Why did this debate erupt on social media?

Is there any reservation in the National Institute of Technology (NIT) college library? A debate has started on this issue on social media. Anuradha Tiwari, CEO of a company, has claimed on social media that there is discrimination with students according to their category in the college library. Books are given on the basis of reservation. After this, alumni of IITs-NITs have also joined this debate.

Company CEO shared the library slip

Anuradha Tiwari had raised the question of reservation by sharing a slip of NIT’s college library on the social media platform ‘X’ (earlier Twitter). According to this library slip, it is being claimed that books are given in the library on the basis of reservation. Books are issued to different categories on their time, among these, these books are issued first to SC ST category.

Brahmins and General categories are now the new ‘Dalits’…

Anuradha Tiwari, CEO of a company, shared this library detail on X and wrote that they claim that Brahmins kept the knowledge to themselves for centuries. So now, they will deny Brahmins and general category access to books? This is not social justice, this is complete revenge, Brahmins and general category are the new ‘Dalits’.

In response to the library’s post, many users commented on it and confirmed this. These students shared their experiences by calling themselves alumni of NIT or IIT.

A user wrote that he is an alumnus of NIT, this is true. General category students can take only two books from the library, while the rule for reserved category is four. Student Sagar Gowda writes that in my college if you are General or OBC then you can get two library cards and if you are SC ST then you can get four library cards. All these comments have also been shared by Anuradha Tiwari, who raised the issue, on another post.

A user wrote that yes, this happens in all IITs where who can get how many books issued depends on caste. General category students can get less books and reserved ones can get more. A user wrote that this is the truth, in NIT Srinagar we get three books and reserved ones get eight books. A user wrote that in my time (2013-2017) this used to happen in NITK as well. General students used to get three books and SC ST used to get six books, not only this, they did not have to pay any penalty or late fee.

According to sources, the former in-charge of the Central Library of NIT Hamirpur has issued a statement on Telegram in this matter, stating that the books in the book bank section were purchased using special SC ST grants provided by the state/central government. Therefore, these are issued first. There is no discrimination in books purchased from regular grants. During my tenure in NITH (23-02-2015 to 31-07-24), not a single book has been purchased in this section.

He further wrote that as far as I remember the last purchase was made during 2005 or 2010. This is a regular practice which is being followed since receiving this grant. The details of this special grant for SC ST students are available in the library. Hardly 100 books are issued in a semester from this collection as most of the books are outdated. He also wrote that it seems that some people want to spoil the harmony of the institute. We all should ensure that we do not follow such rumors or misinterpreted information.

Currently, this issue is quite popular on X. Hundreds of users have commented on Anuradha Tiwari’s tweet and thousands have liked and retweeted it. People are giving their opinion on the issue of discrimination in the library, currently there has been no response from NIT or the Ministry of Education. Shashi Prakash Singh, a teacher who prepares students for IIT, said in a conversation with that Ambedkar considered the library to be the temple of education. He never made any reservation system in his own library, such rules should not be applicable in libraries, even if the books are purchased with any grant, but every student has a right on them.


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