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Ration Card E-KYC in Bihar, Deadline, Eligibility, How to get it done

The Bihar government has introduced a new scheme, Ration Card E-KYC (Know Your Customer), which is mandatory for all ration card holders in the state. This scheme aims to streamline identity verification and ensure that the benefits of the ration card scheme are reaching the intended beneficiaries. In this article, we will provide detailed information on the deadline, eligibility, and process of completing Ration Card E-KYC in Bihar.


The deadline for completing Ration Card E-KYC in Bihar is 15 June 2024. It is essential for all ration card holders to complete this process before the deadline to avoid any inconvenience or loss of benefits.


To be eligible for Ration Card E-KYC, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Your name must be included in the ration card.
  • You must have a registered Aadhar Card and a linked mobile number.
  • All members of your family must have an Aadhar card.
  • You must be a resident of Bihar.

How to Complete Ration Card E-KYC

To complete Ration Card E-KYC, follow these steps:

  1. Visit Your Nearest Dealer: Go to your nearest ration dealer with your Aadhar Card.
  2. Provide Aadhar Number: The dealer will enter your Aadhar number to verify your identity.
  3. Get KYC Done: The dealer will do KYC through your fingerprint.
  4. Add Family Members: If you want to add a family member to your ration card, provide their Aadhar card number.
  5. Check Your E-KYC: You can check your e-KYC status by visiting the official website of any KYC Registration Agency.

Benefits of Ration Card E-KYC

The Ration Card E-KYC process offers several benefits, including:

  • Streamlined Identity Verification: E-KYC ensures faster and more efficient identity verification.
  • Financial Inclusion: It enhances financial inclusion by digitizing services and maintaining security.
  • Government Benefits: With E-KYC, you can avail government-issued food grains and fuel at subsidized rates.