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‘Psychopath’ Netanyahu Sacrificed My Cousin for Political Gains, Hostage Relative Claims

Conducted by a physician’s relative Hamas in the Gaza tunnel Weekends are guilty Benjamin Netanyahu to his death.

Gil Dickman labeled Israel’s prime minister a scapegoating “psychopath.” the hostages For his own political existence, when he blocks peace deal.

Mr Dickman, 32, told The Telegraph of his anger as he sat shiv, a week-long period of mourning in the Jewish tradition, in Tel Aviv.

Most of the country has united in mourning his death Carmel Gate, 40, who was killed along with five other hostages As the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) closed in on their positions under the southern Gaza city of Rafah.

The death sparked mass protests and a general strike, with calls to sign a deal with Mr. Netanyahu. Hamas which stops the fight and frees the hostages.

Mr Dickman believes the Prime Minister’s tough stance on the ceasefire is leaving the hostages to die.

Critics of the prime minister claim that the peace deal will lead to the downfall of his government.

Mr Dickman said: “We feel a lot of anger. As I understand it, Netanyahu’s strategy is to allow the hostages to be killed. He is a psychopath who wants to see the war continue.”

He said he was told by the prime minister at a meeting in July that a peace deal was on the table, including the release of the three hostages shot on Saturday, but that Mr Netanyahu had vetoed it.

“Only now I understand,” he said, that Mr. Netanyahu “did not choose to save his life and all the other hostages.” It doesn’t matter what the excuses are because they keep changing”.

Mr Dickman said relatives of the hostages had warned Mr Netanyahu and Yove chivalryThe Israeli Defense Minister, about the dangers of the hostages, tells them directly: “Military operations will not take them out.”

The IDF has also said that it will not be possible to free all hostages through military action.

When Mr. Netanyahu said that “Hamas will pay the price” for killing the hostages, he meant that the hostages would also pay, Mr. Dickman said.

“If you ask me if I want the guard who shot Carmel in the head to die or if I’d rather have a hostage get out I’d of course choose the hostage’s life.”

Ms Gait was abducted from Kibbutz Beri, where she was visiting her parents Eshel and Kinneret. On 7 October.

Mr Dickman said Ms Gate saw her mother Kinneret killed when she was abducted: “Two other hostages who were with her that day told us that, after they were released, they saw her mother being beaten through the car window. “

Mr Dickman described his cousin as a “guardian angel, peace-loving, ambitious person”.

He added: “I loved him so much. She met and touched many people from all over the world, making friends of all faiths.”

Ms Gait was pursuing a master’s in occupational therapy at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where she wrote her thesis on trauma – a skill she would use during her time in captivity to help other hostages cope with their impossible situations.

“He not only acted as a physician for the hostages. She also taught him yoga and meditation. It was a surprising thing for us to hear. That means Carmel was still Carmel, even in captivity,” he said.

Mr Dickman said one of the hostages who was freed in the November ceasefire said Ms Gate was “the reason” he was still alive.

“We are wary of reaching out to hostages who have spent time in captivity with him. We want to give them space. Two of them are teenagers. But we would love to hear anything they have to say.”

Mr Dickman also blamed Hamas for the deaths of the hostages. He said that Yahya Sinwar, the leader of the terrorist groupThere was also a “psychopath” who didn’t care if civilians were killed, adding: “This is how psychopaths win: death and violence.”

In a video released by Hamas on Wednesday, Ms Gait pleaded with Mr Netanyahu to “please stop this negligence and stop these bombings and take us back to our homes”.

Dressed in a red hoodie and looking relatively healthy, Ms Gait asked Israelis to continue protesting for their release.

Mr Dickman recalled how the IDF told him and other relatives of hostages over the past 11 months that Hamas considered them “valuable assets” and would not kill them.

“We are dealing with a terrorist organization that is not afraid to kill hostages and wants to see us suffer. And we’ve said this from the beginning,” Mr Dickman said.

However, he said Mr Netanyahu was making “excuses” not to sign the peace deal.

He said the deal had shifted from the number of hostages to be freed and now focused on that The Philadelphia Corridor separates southern Gaza and Egypt.

On Wednesday night, Mr Netanyahu said Israel would not withdraw its troops from the corridor until it was assured it could never be used as a lifeline for Hamas.

However, Mr Dickman doubts where the war will end.

“Next time, what color will it be [Gaza] There is a fence,” he said.

Post ‘Psychopath’ Netanyahu sacrificed my cousin for political gain, hostage claim appeared first The Telegraph.

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