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Pooja Khedkar’s disability certificate is fake! After verification, Delhi Police submitted the report to HC

The troubles of former Maharashtra IAS trainee Pooja Khedkar are going to increase further. Delhi Police filed another status report in the Delhi High Court in which it has been suspected that Pooja Khedkar’s disability claims are fake. Pooja Khedkar had submitted two disability certificates during the Civil Services Examination 2022 and 2023, which were allegedly issued by the Medical Authority, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra.

Pooja Khedkar used this disability certificate to get special concessions for selection in UPSC. Not only this, Pooja Khedkar passed the exam even after getting less marks in the exam due to the concessions. She had secured 841 All India Rank (AIR) in UPSC. Now in the investigation of Delhi Police Crime Branch, the possibility of her disability certificate being fake has been raised.

According to the status report of Delhi Police, two disability certificates (multiple disability) submitted by Pooja Khedkar in 2022 and 2024, which were allegedly issued by the Medical Authority, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, may be fake. Because when these were verified from the medical authority, they denied issuing these certificates. The authority said that they have not issued the disability certificate that Pooja Khedkar is claiming.

Details of disability certificate not found in the records

The authority says that they have not issued the disability certificate as per their Civil Surgeon Office records. The authority’s response also states that there is a high possibility of the disability certificate being fake or fabricated.

Medical authority expressed the possibility of fake certificate

Medical Authority Ahmednagar, Maharashtra reported, “Disability Certificate (Multiple Disabilities) No. MH2610119900342407 is not issued by Medical Authority, Ahmednagar; Maharashtra as per our Civil Surgeon Office records, hence there is a high possibility of Disability Certificate being fake and tampered with.”

47% disability claimed

Pooja Khedkar has claimed 47% disability. In an interview, she said that she has a certificate from a hospital in Maharashtra, which confirms that she has ruptured her old anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and has instability in her left knee. To get reservation in the UPSC exam, it is necessary to have 40% disability, I am 47% disabled.

Locomotor disability in the knee is also false

Actually, Pune’s Yashwantrao Chavan Memorial Hospital had declared Pooja as 7 percent disabled. It was said that she had locomotor disability in her left knee. But the report of the Physiotherapy Department of the same hospital says that Pooja Khedkar has no disability at all. That means now the hospital administration itself is under question regarding Pooja’s disability certificate.


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