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‘Political Violence Not Acceptable’: World Leaders Condemn Trump Rally Shooting

World leaders have strongly condemned the recent shooting incident at a Donald Trump campaign rally, calling for an end to political violence.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau stated that “political violence is never acceptable, no matter the cause or the political affiliation.” He emphasized that democratic discourse must be protected and that “differences of opinion should be settled through peaceful and lawful means.”

UK Labour Party leader Keir Starmer echoed these sentiments, declaring that “violence and intimidation have no place in our politics.” Starmer stressed the importance of upholding democratic values and allowing citizens to freely participate in the political process without fear of harm.

Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese also weighed in, saying “We must stand united against any attempt to undermine the foundations of our democracy through political violence.” He called on all political leaders to condemn such acts and work towards a more civil and constructive political discourse.

The shooting incident, which occurred at a Trump campaign rally, has heightened concerns about the growing polarization and potential for political violence in the United States. World leaders have made it clear that they will not tolerate such attacks on the democratic process, urging all political actors to renounce violence and uphold the principles of peaceful dialogue and the rule of law.

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