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Passenger’s stomach burst and intestines came out due to beating by railway police

Railway police personnel brutally beat up a man travelling on a train in Bihar. Due to which his intestines came out and the stitches of his recent stomach surgery also broke. This incident happened on Thursday evening when the Mumbai-bound Karmabhoomi Express train reached Janakpur Road railway station. It is said that during this time a heated argument broke out between two groups of passengers over seats in the train.

During the argument, the jawan hit him in the stomach with a stick

Seeing the argument between the passengers, GRP personnel also arrived. But the passengers beat up the personnel as well. After which the personnel used force. According to the police, the person injured in the beating has been identified as Mohammad Furkan. He had undergone a stomach surgery a few days ago.

Also read: Jhansi: Homeguard commits suicide after being upset by beating by inspectors, case registered

Eyewitnesses accused the GRP personnel and said that the jawans used sticks to disperse the passengers. During this, a jawan hit Furkan on his stomach with a stick. Due to which his intestines came out. A senior officer said that after the incident, GRP officials have suspended two personnel and ordered an inquiry into the matter.

Furkan is being treated in the hospital

Talking to PTI on Saturday, Muzaffarpur’s Railway Superintendent of Police Gaurav Mangala said that orders have already been given to investigate the matter. At the same time, the jawans have been suspended. He said that we are also taking the help of CCTV footage. Along with this, we are also questioning the people present there. The officer said that Furkan has been admitted to Shri Krishna Medical College and Hospital in Muzaffarpur and his condition is said to be stable.

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