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Paryushan Parv 2024: The great festival of Jainism Paryushan begins, self-purification will be done through fasting, penance and meditation

Paryushan festival 2024: The great festival of Digambar Jain community, Paryushan Parv, has started from 31 August 2024, which is going to continue till 8 September. The eight-day grand festival Paryushan of Shri Jain Shvetambara religion followers has started from 31 August. But for the Sthanakvasis, Paryushan festival is starting from 1 September i.e. today. This festival of Jainism is called the king of festivals. This festival teaches to follow the path of Lord Mahavir Swami’s basic principle ‘Ahimsa Paramo Dharma, Live and Let Live’ and opens the doors to salvation.

People of Digambar Jain community also call the festival of Paurshan as Dashlakshan festival. In this great festival, a fast is observed for the entire 10 days. In this, the worshipper works by keeping in mind his behavior and deeds for ten days. Different rules and deeds have been prescribed for each day of fasting.

First day- On the first day, an effort is made to ensure that one does not allow anger to arise within oneself. Even if such a feeling comes to mind, one should calm it down politely.

Second day- An attempt is made to bring sweetness and purity in your behavior. During this time, you cannot keep hatred for anyone in your mind.

Third Day– On this day, it is necessary to implement whatever you think and bring it to a successful conclusion. That is, it is necessary to complete what you have said.

Fourth day- On this day, you try to speak less, but speak well, speak the truth.

Fifth day- You cannot keep any kind of greed in your mind. There should not be any kind of selfishness in your mind.

Sixth day- On the sixth day, it is important to control the mind and act with restraint.

Seventh day- Perform penance to gain the strength needed to remove evil tendencies.

Eighth day- To provide good things like knowledge, protection, food, medicine etc. to the deserving.

Ninth Day– Do not keep selfishness in mind for any thing etc.

Tenth Day– To practice virtues and keep oneself pure.


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