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Panic Erupts as Biscuit Basin Geyser Explodes in Yellowstone National Park

On July 23, 2024, a hydrothermal explosion occurred at Biscuit Basin in Yellowstone National Park, causing panic among visitors. The eruption, which took place around 10:20 a.m. local time, sent hot water and debris into the air, damaging nearby boardwalks and prompting a swift evacuation of the area.

Eyewitness Accounts

Vlada March, a visitor from California, captured the chaotic scene on video. She described the moment as “extremely scary,” with rocks flying and a black cloud enveloping the area, obscuring the sun. March, who was with her family, recalled urging them to run as the explosion unfolded. Fortunately, despite the frightening circumstances, no injuries were reported among the approximately 30 people present at the time of the eruption.

Details of the Explosion

The explosion originated near Sapphire Pool, a notable feature within Biscuit Basin, which is known for its thermal activity. Witnesses reported that the eruption sent debris soaring at least 200 feet into the air. The park’s staff, along with the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), are currently investigating the incident and assessing the damage, which included significant destruction to the boardwalks.

Safety Measures and Public Response

In response to the explosion, the park has temporarily closed Biscuit Basin, including its boardwalks and parking areas, to ensure visitor safety while investigations are conducted. The USGS reassured the public that such hydrothermal explosions are relatively common in Yellowstone and do not indicate any changes in the volcanic system. According to Ken Sims, a geology professor and member of the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory, these events occur when superheated water creates steam bubbles that build pressure until they burst, similar to a pressure cooker. He emphasized that this incident does not reflect an impending volcanic eruption, as there were no signs of magma involvement or changes in ground deformation.

The Biscuit Basin geyser explosion serves as a reminder of the dynamic geothermal activity present in Yellowstone National Park. While the event caused significant alarm among visitors, the quick response from park officials and the absence of injuries highlight the importance of safety measures in such unpredictable natural environments. As investigations continue, the park remains committed to ensuring the safety of its visitors while preserving the unique geological features that make Yellowstone a world-renowned destination.

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