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Operation Long Arm: Israel Attacks Yemen’s Houthi Rebels

Israel conducted airstrikes on Houthi targets in Yemen’s port city of Al Hudaydah and capital Sana’a on Saturday, in an operation named “Long Arm”. Here are 10 key facts about the attack:

  1. The strikes were a response to recent Houthi attacks in Tel Aviv and the group’s growing missile and drone threats against Israel and allied shipping routes in the Red Sea.
  2. One of the key targets was an oil refinery in Al Hudaydah, resulting in significant damage and causing fatalities and injuries.
  3. Israeli forces also targeted a weapons depot in Sana’a.
  4. Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu said the attack “makes it clear to our enemies that there is no place that the long arm of Israel will not reach”.
  5. Israel clarified the operation was conducted by Tel Aviv alone, refuting earlier reports of US-UK involvement.
  6. The Houthis vowed an “effective response” to the strikes, stating their support for Palestinians will not falter.
  7. Israeli Foreign Minister said the attack on the Houthi port “delivered a severe blow” to the Iran-backed group, adding “Iran is the head of the snake – it must be stopped now”.
  8. Al Masirah TV reported an unspecified number of deaths and injuries from the strikes, which also targeted an electricity station and fuel tanks.
  9. Shortly after the strikes, a large fire was seen at Hezbollah’s ammo storage facility in Lebanon.
  10. The conflict in Yemen has been ongoing since 2014 between the Saudi-backed government and Iran-aligned Houthis, leading to one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises.
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