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One year of preparation, Lawrence’s hint and target on Salman Khan… The story of the attack on Galaxy Apartments, as told in the charge sheet

Galaxy Apartment Firing Case: Bollywood star Salman Khan lives in Galaxy Apartment in Bandra area of ​​Mumbai. Where firing took place on 14th April. The names of jailed notorious gangster Lawrence Bishnoi and his younger brother Anmol Bishnoi have come to the fore behind this attack. That day, on the instructions of gangster Lawrence Bishnoi, some of his henchmen fired bullets at Salman’s house i.e. Galaxy Apartment early in the morning. But now what Lawrence’s shooters, who have been arrested as accused in this incident, have revealed is shocking.

Lawrence had talked to the shooter before the incident
Although it was clear from the very first day that Lawrence Bishnoi was behind this shootout incident, but now in the investigation of Mumbai Police Crime Branch Anti Extortion Cell, it has become clear that just before the incident for this shootout, jailed gangster Lawrence had talked to his henchmen on the phone and instigated them to shoot at Salman’s house.

Confessions of shooters in the charge sheet
In fact, in the charge sheet filed by Mumbai Police in the court in this regard, it has also included the confession of the two shooters Vicky Gupta and Sagar Pal who fired at Salman’s house and in this confession the entire conspiracy of the shootout has been revealed. During interrogation, the accused have admitted that the contract for this shootout was given to them by Lawrence Bishnoi’s brother Anmol Bishnoi who is abroad and just a day before the incident, i.e. on April 13, Anmol had also made him talk to his brother Lawrence Bishnoi who is in jail through the Signal app.

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Lawrence said- ‘Get ready to fire’
During that time, gangster Lawrence Bishnoi, who was in jail, had told his henchmen- ‘Your work will be good, don’t worry and get ready for firing.’ We will tell you the full details of the conversation between Lawrence and these shooters, but first know what Salman Khan himself said about this shootout? Actually, during the investigation of this case, the police also recorded Salman’s statement. And then Salman had described the state of mind of himself and his entire family after the firing at his house on 14 April.

Salman Khan had expressed his pain in his statement
Salman had said- ‘I am a film star by profession and have been working in the Hindi film industry for the last 35 years. On many occasions, a crowd of my well-wishers and fans gather near my house Galaxy Apartment near Bandstand in Bandra. To show my love to them, I wave my hand from the balcony of the first floor of my flat. Also, when there is a party at my house, friends and family members, my father come, I spend time with them in the balcony. After work or early in the morning, I go to the balcony to get fresh air. I have also hired private security for myself. ‘ ‘On April 14, 2024, I was sleeping when I heard the sound of firecrackers. It was 4.55 am when the police bodyguard informed that two people on a bike had fired a gun on the balcony of the first floor of Galaxy Apartment. Earlier also attempts have been made to harm me and my family. I have come to know that Lawrence Bishnoi has taken responsibility for this attack through social media. I believe that Lawrence Bishnoi’s gang had carried out the firing at my balcony.

Both the shooters were very impressed with Lawrence
Obviously, the shootout had disturbed Salman Khan as well as his entire family. Now, the revelations made by the police investigating the case are no less disturbing. According to this revelation, both the shooters were so impressed with gangster Lawrence Bishnoi that they were ready to do anything for him. This is the reason that when Salman’s brother Anmol Bishnoi asked them to fire, they immediately agreed. After this, Anmol not only made them talk to his brother Lawrence, but also kept provoking them by sending recorded messages. Vicky Gupta has said in his conversation that after talking to the Bishnoi brothers, his partner Sagar Pal was so excited that he was ready to shoot anyone who came in the way of this work.

This is how Vicky Gupta met Lawrence’s henchman
Vicky Gupta has told in his statement that during the Corona period of the year 2020, Sagar Pal had told him that one of his friends Ankit works for the Lawrence Bishnoi gang. Sagar Pal used to live in Jalandhar earlier and worked in a spare parts company. Vicky told that in the year 2023, when he did not have work, he went to Jalandhar to meet Sagar Pal and there Sagar got him to meet Ankit. After a few days of this, Sagar called Vicky and said that there is a work for him, he should come to Jalandhar. On this, when he went to Jalandhar, Sagar told him that he is in touch with Lawrence’s brother Anmol Bishnoi and Anmol Bishnoi wants to get a shootout done at Salman’s house. So that Salman can be scared.

Money received in October, firing in April
According to the statement, when both of them agreed to do this work, in October 2023, Sagar and Vicky were sent to meet a man in Ambala for money and then from there both of them went to Mumbai, where they were asked to stay in Panvel, but when they could not find any rented house in Panvel, they returned, but later in March 2024 they returned to Panvel, where some other people of the gang helped them for this work and after this they shot at Salman’s house in the early morning of 14 April.

The system failed in front of Lawrence
Obviously, from the confession of the arrested shooters and the police charge sheet, it is clear that Lawrence Bishnoi and his gang are behind this entire conspiracy, as he has been claiming from time to time, but the way a gangster is carrying out such a big conspiracy while sitting in jail and is comfortably talking to shooters outside the jail on the phone with the help of various apps, is proof of how ineffective our system is in terms of security, where gangsters and selected criminals are openly doing whatever they want.

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