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One judge- the other criminal, the thief cried after seeing his ex-classmate, then came into the news

Last year, a video of a Florida courtroom went viral on social media which was quite shocking. It was a conversation between Arthur Nathaniel Booth, a man standing in the dock on charges of theft, and a female judge Mindy Glazer. Judge Mindy was his ex-classmate from school.

In this video, the whole world saw the conversation between Mindy and Booth. People became emotional at one point after listening to their story. Then people thought that Booth will improve after this conversation and will never steal again. But what happened recently brought him into the limelight again.

Sadly, Booth’s life did not change for the better. Last week, Miami police arrested Booth again, accusing him of a string of snatching and robbery incidents across the city. According to reports, Booth allegedly broke into an elderly man’s home posing as a plumber and robbed him. Police say Booth forcibly snatched the man’s gold chain, knocked him to the ground and fled.

In another incident, Booth entered a house posing as a water inspector and stole a jewellery box. He is also accused of asking directions from a woman who was changing her car’s tyre and snatching her gold Gucci pendant chain as she turned around.

Although Booth tried to flee every crime scene, his actions were recorded in CCTV videos. Later, law enforcement tracked him down and eventually arrested him. This time, when Booth returned to court, he was not faced with a Mindy (an ex-classmate). Instead, he faced a different judge who denied him bail. He will remain locked up in the Turner Guilford Knight Correctional Center until his trial begins.

What was in the viral video of the courtroom?

In the video, the conversation between Arthur Nathaniel Booth, the man standing in the dock on charges of theft, and a female judge Mindy Glazer was something like this. In the middle of the proceedings, Mindy suddenly says- did you study in Nautilus Middle School? On this, Booth immediately recognizes Mindy and says- ‘Oh my God’. He starts crying loudly because Judge Mindy was his school classmate.

Mindy further says- ‘We used to play football together. Let me tell everyone here that Booth was a very intelligent and good student. I am sad to see you here Booth. I hope you get out of these illegal things and live a good life.’ Then after watching this video, everyone thought that maybe Booth will change now but the recent cases against him have again made it clear that he is not going to change.



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