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OMG! Boy arrives at school function dressed as a ‘corpse’, brought in a bag in the trunk of a car

Nowadays, new trends have started in every field. The youth have started doing anything for the sake of something new and unique. Recently, something similar was seen in a school in Britain. Here, all the students arrived dressed up in different themes at the high school prom night (school function).

According to the news of New York Post, the way a boy named Lucas entered here with his two friends left everyone shocked. Actually, all three of them came in a van wrapped in a bag like a dead body. When they reached the school, two people took them out of the van just like they take out a dead body.

Lucas’ mother called it a great idea. She said – It is always good to be original and think something different. In preparation for her son’s grand entry, she had ordered three body bags for Lucas and his two friends and balaclava face masks for the bag transporters.

However, Laura was afraid that she might get into trouble by buying such suspicious things. She said- ‘If someone had seen me buying such things, then the police would have come.’ Lucas’s friends were also initially hesitant to do this strange stunt, but eventually they agreed.

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Before the prom, Laura told Lucas’ teachers about her plans so they could take pictures and so they wouldn’t panic and call the police. On July 6, Lucas’s stepfather Dean Jameson and two of his friends wore balaclavas and drove the boys to the venue.

Stopping the van at the venue, they removed the bags containing the fake bodies and placed them on the ground. When the body bags were unzipped, boys in suits and sunglasses came out like a boy band at the beginning of a music video.

Seeing it, the other students around were surprised and called it a very different entry. All the teachers said that it was completely original. When the news came on social media, people started commenting on it. Many people called it stupidity, while many said – it took a lot of brainwork to look different.

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