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Office colleague patted me on the back, I felt such an ‘electric shock’ that I could not work for a year

Many times people pat each other’s back while talking to each other. You may have never thought how costly this joke can be for someone, but the recent news will force you to think. The incident is from China’s Zhejiang province where a woman named Zheng has made a shocking claim. Zheng, who works as a security guard at the metro station, told a TV channel that last year her life was ruined due to the actions of one of her colleagues.

patted on the back to wake me up

She was reportedly resting her head on her desk during an afternoon break when a male colleague named Lu tapped her on the back to wake her up. Zheng recalls feeling an electric shock before her arms and neck went numb. She claims a photo taken by another colleague clearly shows five finger marks on her back. Zheng’s condition worsened after this and she could not work for a year and now she feels that Lu should compensate her financially.

‘Spinal disc bulge’

When Zheng began to complain, Lu reportedly gave her 3,000 yuan ($400) on the condition that she would not take any legal action against him. She agreed, but when her condition did not improve after a month, she went to the hospital where doctors told her she had a bulging disc in her spine and advised her to rest for a few weeks. But she ended up missing work for an entire year.

‘Must have used Kung Fu techniques’

Over time, Zheng discovered that when Lu slapped him, he had used a kung fu technique known as the ‘Iron Sand Palm’ or simply ‘Iron Palm’, as Lu had always claimed to practice the martial art. The technique, taught in many martial arts schools in China, apparently requires practitioners to deliver powerful strikes by punching a canvas bag filled with sand.

Instead of sympathy, people made fun of him

Earlier this year, Zheng told Lu that she wanted 40,000 yuan (US$5,500) as compensation for all her medical bills and lost income due to being unable to work, but he refused and cut off contact with her completely. Left with no other option, Zheng decided to take her story to the media. Unfortunately, she did not receive much sympathy here, and most people mocked her weakness. One wrote, “Are you made of tofu?” Another said, “If you had hit me a little harder, you would have broken.”

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