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Not Kota’s Rajasthan, this state is ahead in student suicide cases, the figures are worrying

Everyone is aware of the increasing cases of suicide in the educational city of Kota. News of student suicides from Kota, which is called an education hub, has become common. Last year i.e. in 2023, 28 students committed suicide. But do you know from which state most of the cases of student suicides come? This has been revealed in a report. Let’s know.

IC3 is an organization that provides support to high schools around the world through guidance and training resources. IC3 has shared a report on student suicide. According to this report published in the Indian Express, the suicide rate among students has increased by 4.2 percent in the years 2021 and 2022. In the year 2022, suicide reports of 13 thousand 44 students have been registered, whereas in 2021 this number was 13 thousand 89.

  • Maharashtra – 1,764 suicides (14% of total student suicides)
  • Tamil Nadu – 1,416 suicides (11% of total student suicides)
  • Madhya Pradesh – 1,340 suicides (10% of total student suicides)
  • Uttar Pradesh – 1,060 suicides (8% of total student suicides)
  • Jharkhand – 824 suicides (6% of total student suicides)

Maharashtra has the highest number of student suicides, accounting for 14 per cent of the total. Tamil Nadu is second with 11 per cent. Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh also have worrying figures. 10 per cent students in MP and 8 per cent in UP are committing suicide. On the other hand, six per cent of the total suicides in Jharkhand have been found to be students. Based on data from the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), the report states that the total suicide rate in India has increased by 2% annually, while the suicide rate of students has increased by close to 4%.

What is the number in student suicide cases in Rajasthan?

Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Madhya Pradesh have reported the highest number of suicide cases in the years 2021 and 2022. These three states account for a third of the total number of student suicides in the country. Meanwhile, the figures of student suicides in Tamil Nadu and Jharkhand have increased every year. Rajasthan is ranked 10th with 571 student suicides. In the last 10 years, the population of children aged 24 years had decreased from 582 million to 581 million and the number of student suicides has increased from 6,654 to 13,044.

(If you or someone you know thinks of suicide, it is a very serious medical emergency. Immediately contact the Government of India’s Jeevansathi Helpline 18002333330. You can also call the Telemans Helpline number 1800914416. Here your identity will be kept completely confidential and experts will give you the necessary advice to overcome this situation. Remember, life is everything.)


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