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North Carolina A&T University on Alert After Shots Fired Near Campus

According to the search results, there were reports of gunfire near the North Carolina A&T University campus in Greensboro, North Carolina on Thursday, July 11, 2024. The Greensboro Police Department responded to the scene, but the shooting has not been confirmed.

The incident occurred in the area of Yanceyville Street and Cornwallis Drive, near the university campus. The school notified the public of an “emergency situation” in that area. However, the scene was later cleared and the school gave an “all clear” message, indicating no one was hurt.

In a separate incident on the NC A&T campus, a report of a shot fired inside the Barbee Hall dorm building was made earlier this week. Two people were charged in that incident, where a bullet pierced a wall after a boyfriend and girlfriend were fighting.

While the details are still emerging, the Greensboro police responded promptly to the reports of gunfire near the NC A&T campus on Thursday. The situation appears to have been resolved without any confirmed injuries. The university community will likely remain vigilant and the investigation is ongoing.

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