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New Details Emerge on Thwarted Plot to Kill Donald Trump at Pennsylvania Rally

On Saturday, former President Donald Trump was the target of an assassination attempt during a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. While the shooter, identified as Thomas Matthew Crooks, was neutralized by a Secret Service sniper, new information has surfaced suggesting the possibility of a second shooter involved in the attack.

According to a local law enforcement official, three sharpshooters were strategically positioned inside the building utilized by Crooks during the attack. One of these snipers observed Crooks outside the building, surveying the area and subsequently disappearing. Crooks returned, sat down, checked his phone, and then proceeded to take out a rangefinder. Upon this action, the sniper alerted the command post.

Authorities suspect that Crooks may have utilized an air conditioning unit to access the rooftop. By the time additional officers arrived for support, Crooks had ascended to the rooftop and positioned himself behind snipers the building according to the official.

The FBI is currently investigating whether the shooter was a politically motivated extremist of domestic origin, with investigators scrutinizing his background. The Justice Department officials informed the press that the shooter’s phone is in their possession and is undergoing examination at the FBI laboratory in Quantico, Virginia.

Video footage analyzed by CBS News shows individuals alerting law enforcement about a sniper positioned on a building’s rooftop approximately 410 feet away from the stage prior to the initial gunshot aimed at Trump. This raises the possibility of a second shooter being involved in the assassination attempt.

The FBI has stated that the shooting is being investigated as “an assassination attempt” on Trump. U.S. officials also learned of an Iranian plot to kill the former president weeks before the attempted assassination in Butler, Pennsylvania.

As investigations continue, the search for a motive in the assassination attempt remains a central focus. Authorities are working to uncover any potential accomplices or co-conspirators involved in the attack on Trump’s rally in Pennsylvania.

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