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Netanyahu Arrives in DC Amid Uncertainty: Biden Meeting in Doubt, Key Democrats to Boycott Congress Speech

Netanyahu Arrives in DC Amid Uncertainty: Biden Meeting in Doubt, Key Democrats to Boycott Congress Speech

Netanyahu Arrives in DC Amid Uncertainty: Biden Meeting in Doubt, Key Democrats to Boycott Congress Speech

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu arrived in Washington on Monday amid significant political uncertainty in the U.S. and ongoing conflict in Gaza. His visit comes just a day after President Joe Biden announced he would not seek re-election, raising questions about the future of U.S.-Israel relations.

Netanyahu is scheduled to address a joint session of Congress on Wednesday, an invitation organized by Republican leaders who have criticized Biden for perceived insufficient support for Israel during the current war with Hamas. However, Vice President Kamala Harris and other prominent Democrats are expected to boycott the speech, highlighting internal divisions within the party regarding support for Israel amid the Gaza conflict.

While Netanyahu is tentatively set to meet with Biden, the meeting’s confirmation hinges on the president’s recovery from a recent COVID-19 infection. Netanyahu aims to express gratitude for Biden’s support and discuss shared goals, including the release of hostages held by Hamas and strategies to counter Iranian influence in the region.

Despite the backdrop of protests against U.S. support for Israel’s military actions, Netanyahu seeks to reinforce the message that Israel remains a vital ally to the United States, regardless of the political landscape. He emphasized the importance of bipartisan support for Israel, stating, “In this time of war and uncertainty, it’s important that Israel’s enemies know that America and Israel stand together today, tomorrow, and always” .

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