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NASA’s Ice Robot project will save Mumbai-Chennai from sinking, know how?

Just 16 more years. 13% of Mumbai’s area, that is 830 square kilometers, will be submerged in the sea. By the end of the year, the area to be submerged will increase to 1377.12 square kilometers. That means Mumbai will be finished by 2150. ‘Earth’ will disappear from beneath the economic capital. Story We told you about a month ago…

The question is not just about this story or cities like Mumbai, which are located on the seashore and are known for their beauty. The issue is that the sea on the basis of which their business runs, the same sea will swallow them. Like ancient Dwarka, these cities will also be under water. To see them, one will have to take the help of transparent submarine or scuba diving.

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NASA, Icenode, rising ocean level, sea level

NASA scientists have designed special robots to measure the rising sea level. These robots are being deployed underwater. NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory has started a new project. Its name is IceNode. In this mission, NASA scientists are releasing autonomous underwater robots inside the sea below the icy layer of Antarctica. These will study Antarctica from beneath the sea.

Know what is special in the IceNode mission, which is being carried out by NASA?

In March this year, NASA scientists deployed a cylinder-like robot 100 feet below the thick surface of ice in the Beaufort Sea of ​​Alaska. Many such robots are planned to be deployed in Antarctica. All these robots will collect data on melting of ice and rising sea levels under the thick layer of ice for a long time.

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NASA, Icenode, rising ocean level, sea level

Because Antarctica is a continent with the least access to people, if its health deteriorates, the whole world will be shaken. That is, any seasonal change that happens there affects the whole world. Therefore, it is important to install such instruments there that can give detailed information about future disasters.

If the whole of Antarctica melts, the sea level will rise by 200 feet

According to the estimates of scientists, if the entire ice of Antarctica melts, the water level of almost all the oceans of the world will rise by 200 feet. In this time, a large area of ​​many coastal states of India will be submerged. Many islands will disappear from the world map. It is possible that you do not have to go to Chennai to see the ocean, you will see it in Bengaluru itself. Because at the rate at which the heat is increasing, global warming is increasing. Glaciers and Antarctica are melting. That too rapidly.


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