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MSNBC’s Brzezinski claims Vance dismissed the shooting as a ‘fact of life’ after airing a video showing he didn’t do it.

On Friday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” co-host Mika Brzezinski claimed that 2024 Republican vice presidential nominee Sen. JD Vance (R-OH) dismissed school shootings as a “fact of life,” despite the video he played earlier in the segment. which refuted her statement and pointed out that Vance had advocated for stronger security in schools to help prevent shootings, saying it was a “fact of life” that disaffected people know that schools are soft targets.

Brzezinski played a video of Vance, in which Vance said, “What’s going to solve this problem, and I really believe this, look, I don’t like this, I don’t like to admit this, I’m not like this is a fact of life, but if you’re a psychological , and you want to make headlines, you realize that our schools are soft targets, and we need to beef up security in our schools, so that a person who walks through the front door – we have to beef up security so that if a psycho walks through the front door If they want to pass by and kill a bunch of children, they are not capable.”

Co-host Willie Geist later noted that Vance had called for better security, saying, “His whole comment was, ‘I don’t like that this is a fact of life,’” he said, adding that we don’t have to like the reality. We live, but that is the reality in which we live.

Geist continued, “So, you would think that would encourage him, then, to say, let’s sit down and change this reality, let’s sit down and do something about it. Because, clearly, having the school resource officers there, who acted heroically the next day and probably prevented more kids and teachers from dying, wasn’t enough to save the poor people who died.

Brzezinski then argued, contradicting the video she had just played, “[T]These two campaigns, Harris-Wolz Vs. Another very, very stark example of the difference between Trump-Vance, which he did, is that he sees it – Trump-Vance – as a fact of life. And Kamala Harris immediately said, after the shooting, this is a choice we’re making, and we have to make a different choice. People don’t want this to be a fact of life, no one wants to like this.

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Post MSNBC’s Brzezinski claims Vance dismissed the shooting as a ‘fact of life’ after airing a video showing he didn’t do it. appeared first Breitbart.

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