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Missile test in Balasore, Odisha today, government shifted 10 thousand people to other places – Odisha Government shifted 10 thousand people before missile test

Missile Testing

Missile test in Balasore today

Balasore missile test, The Balasore district administration of Odisha has temporarily shifted more than 10,000 people from 10 villages to other places ahead of the missile test to be conducted today on July 24. An official gave this information. A defense source said on Tuesday that the Defense Research and Development Organization (DRDO) has also completed the necessary preparations for the missile test at the Integrated Test Range (ITR) located in Chandipur. He said that this test will be conducted from the launch site number-3 of ITR.

10,581 people from 10 villages were temporarily relocated

Meanwhile, a revenue official said the Balasore district administration has made arrangements to temporarily shift 10,581 people from 10 villages located within a radius of 3.5 km of the missile launch site ahead of the missile test. The official said these arrangements are being made as a security measure along with providing adequate compensation to the affected people. The revenue official said the district administration held a preparatory meeting on Tuesday in the presence of District Collector Ashish Thackeray and Superintendent of Police Sagarika Nath to ensure smooth shifting of people living in the area to nearby temporary shelter centres.

The fixed compensation amount will be deposited in the bank account

The district administration asked the people of these villages to leave their houses by 4 am on Wednesday and stay in the camps till the declaration is made after the testing is over. The official said that the compensation amount fixed for the people coming to the camps will be deposited in their bank accounts. The District Revenue Officer said that the Balasore district administration has made arrangements for the people to stay in nearby schools, multipurpose cyclone rehabilitation centers and temporary tents. He said that at least 10 government officials have been deployed to help the people in each camp. Also, 22 contingents of police (nine personnel in one contingent) have been deployed to help the people in the camps.

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