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Minecraft 1.21 Tricky Trials Update: Fixes, Changes, and What’s New

The Minecraft 1.21 Tricky Trials update is packed with exciting new features, bug fixes, and improvements to existing mechanics.

New Features

  1. Crafter Block: The Crafter block allows players to automatically craft items using redstone. This block can be crafted using specific materials and can be used to create more Crafters, making it a powerful tool for builders and players.
  2. Copper Blocks: Copper blocks have been updated with new features, including the copper bulb and lamp. These blocks can be used to create different light levels and are useful for builders in Creative mode.
  3. Wind Charge: Wind charges have been improved, allowing them to work on all terrain and reducing latency-related fall damage. The launch position of the Wind Charge has also been adjusted to fire closer to the player.
  4. Trial Chambers: Trial Chambers are a new structure that can spawn in certain biomes. These chambers contain a trial spawner that spawns mobs in a wave-like system, and once defeated, they can eject random items, including the trial key.
  5. Vaults: Vaults are another new block that can be found in Trial Chambers. They can be opened using the trial key and provide random items. Unlike chests, multiple players can open a Vault to get their own loot.

Bug Fixes and Improvements

  1. Copper Doors: Copper doors now follow the intended design of only dropping when mined with a Stone Pickaxe or better. They no longer drop when the top block is mined in Creative mode
  2. Smooth Quartz Slab: The texture of the Smooth Quartz Slab has been restored to normal.
  3. Mob Spawner Sounds: The Mob Spawner block now has added sounds for break, fall, hit, jump, land, place, and step events.
  4. Chat and Commands: The ‘Copy Coordinates’ feature now correctly copies player coordinates to the clipboard, and the /spreadplayers command has been improved with a new Max Height parameter.
  5. User Interface: Various UI improvements have been made, including animations for game tips and a new solid gray gradient for Marketplace Passes.

Technical Updates

  1. Add-Ons and Script Engine: An issue with particle effect lifetime events has been fixed, and several methods have been released from beta to 1.12.0.
  2. API: The WorldInitializeBeforeEvent property has been renamed to blockComponentRegistry, and several methods have been released from beta to 1.12.0.
  3. Molang: Molang content errors now include the expression in the logged message.

Preparing for the Update

To prepare for the update, it is recommended not to explore new chunks until the update is officially released. This is because the possibility of finding Trial Chambers in these new chunks is reduced. Instead, focus on gathering materials and crafting new blocks, such as the Crafter, to get ready for the new features.