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Middle-aged man raped a minor girl, secret revealed when she became 8 months pregnant

A news that shames humanity has come out from Bijnor district of Uttar Pradesh. Where a middle-aged man raped a minor girl. Also, so that people do not come to know about the incident, the middle-aged man also threatened to kill the minor. Currently, on the complaint, the police have arrested the middle-aged man.

The minor girl’s mother became suspicious due to her swollen belly

Police said that the minor’s mother had lodged a complaint in connection with the case in Kotwali Dhampur of Bijnor district. In which she told in writing that for the past few weeks she was noticing a swollen belly of the minor girl, after which the suspicion of the minor girl’s mother kept increasing with time. After which the mother of the minor victim took the girl to the doctor.

Also read: Aunt’s son made a video of a minor girl bathing, then blackmailed her and gang-raped her

did wrong thing by tying hands and feet

After several tests, the doctor told that the minor girl was pregnant for the last 8 months. When the woman brought her minor daughter back home from the doctor’s place, she told the whole story with fear. According to the police, Kalwa son Kailash, a resident of village Ibrahimpurlal alias Sedha, took the minor girl under a tree during the winter months of November or December and tied her hands and legs and did the wrong thing.

He also threatened to kill the girl if she told anyone about the incident. The victim’s mother alleges that when the accused Kalwa came to know that my daughter is pregnant, he was trying to kill my daughter. In this entire case, the victim’s mother lodged a complaint with the police, after which the Bijnor police have arrested the rape accused.

(Input- Hrithik Rajput)

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