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Microsoft and CrowdStrike Outage Affects Millions Across 20 Countries

Microsoft and CrowdStrike Outage Affects Millions Across 20 Countries

Microsoft and CrowdStrike Outage Affects Millions Across 20 Countries

A significant global outage attributed to Microsoft and its partner CrowdStrike has caused widespread disruptions across various sectors, affecting numerous countries. This incident is being described as one of the largest IT outages in history, with a multitude of services rendered inoperable, including those in finance, travel, and communications.

Overview of the Outage

The outage began on July 19, 2024, when a software update from CrowdStrike led to severe operational issues. These problems cascaded through Microsoft’s services, impacting critical systems globally. Users reported experiencing the notorious “Blue Screen of Death” (BSOD), which resulted in unexpected shutdowns and restarts of Windows devices. The disruption was so extensive that it immobilized airplanes, halted television broadcasts, and caused significant delays in banking and stock market operations.

Most Affected Countries

The outage has particularly impacted the following 20 countries:

  1. India: Major airlines like IndiGo and Air India faced operational challenges, leading to long queues at airports.
  2. United States: Airlines, banks, and emergency services, including 911 call centers in Alaska, experienced significant disruptions.
  3. Australia: Payment systems in stores like Woolworths failed, causing long customer wait times.
  4. Canada: Financial institutions reported issues accessing services, affecting customer transactions.
  5. United Kingdom: The London Stock Exchange faced disruptions, impacting trading activities.
  6. Japan: Users reported BSOD errors, leading to operational slowdowns in various sectors.
  7. Germany: Businesses experienced service interruptions, particularly in IT and finance.
  8. France: Similar disruptions were noted in banking services and public transport systems.
  9. Brazil: Financial institutions reported difficulties in processing transactions.
  10. South Africa: Users faced issues with cloud services and local banking systems.
  11. Singapore: The financial sector experienced outages, affecting trading and banking operations.
  12. New Zealand: Users reported problems with Microsoft services, impacting businesses and personal use.
  13. Mexico: Various sectors, including airlines and banking, reported disruptions.
  14. Spain: Users faced challenges with Microsoft applications and services.
  15. Italy: The outage affected financial services and public sector operations.
  16. Netherlands: Businesses reported service interruptions, particularly in IT and telecommunications.
  17. Sweden: Users experienced difficulties accessing essential services.
  18. Norway: Similar disruptions were reported in banking and public services.
  19. Finland: Users faced issues with cloud services and local applications.
  20. Ireland: The financial sector and public services reported significant operational challenges.

Impact and Response

The impact of this outage has been profound, affecting millions of users and numerous businesses worldwide. Microsoft has acknowledged the issues and is actively investigating the root cause while implementing mitigation strategies to restore services. The company has stated that it is working diligently to bring systems back online safely.

As the situation develops, users and businesses are advised to stay updated through official channels and prepare for potential delays in service restoration.

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