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Mental Health Tips: Know here how Cognitive Behavioral Therapy helps in overcoming depression

The problem of anxiety and depression has become common among people. In such a situation, nowadays psychiatrists help people to get out of depression through Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. In this therapy, a conversation is held with the person suffering from depression and an attempt is made to know the reason for his depression. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is very helpful in getting people out of depression.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy aims to change the patterns of thinking and behavior that cause people’s problems. CBT is based on the fact that our thoughts, feelings and behavior are interconnected and that changing negative thoughts and behaviors can improve mood. Let us tell you that CBT was developed by American psychiatrist Aaron Beck in the year 1960, since then people suffering from depression are being treated through this therapy.

Types of CBT

1. Cognitive Therapy – This therapy focuses on identifying and changing faulty thinking patterns.
2. REBT- This therapy addresses emotional and behavioral problems by challenging and changing unhealthy thoughts.
3. ACT- This therapy helps in accepting thoughts and feelings instead of fighting them.

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How CBT helps in overcoming depression

1. To take CBT, the psychiatrist calls the person suffering from depression for about 20 days. During this time, the depressed person is talked to and an attempt is made to remove the pain hidden in his mind.

2. CBT attempts to change a person’s thinking, feelings and behavior. Through this therapy, a person’s outlook on life is also changed so that he can be free from depression.

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