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Maharajganj: Man beaten to death in a dispute over plucking mangoes, verdict came after 25 years, 6 people sentenced to life imprisonment

In the case of murder over plucking of mangoes in Maharajganj district of Uttar Pradesh, Special Judge SC-ST Court Shakir Hasan has sentenced six convicts to life imprisonment. Along with this, a fine of Rs. 19,000 has also been imposed on each person. The incident took place 25 years ago, the verdict of which has come now.

Let us tell you that 25 years ago in Pipra market of Kolhui police station area, a person was beaten to death in a dispute over plucking mangoes. In this case, yesterday Special Judge SC/ST Court Shakir Hasan convicted six people and sentenced them to life imprisonment. Along with this, a fine was also imposed on each of them.

According to the information received from the records, Chhotelal Yadav was beaten to death with sticks and rods on 27 May 1999 in Pipra Bazaar of Thana Kolhui police station area. Actually, there was a mango tree between Parasnath Yadav’s field and the graveyard. Parasnath’s family claimed that tree to be theirs. A dispute arose over it on 27 May 1999.

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Chhotelal and his family members of the same village started plucking the fruit of the tree considering it to be inside the graveyard. Due to this dispute, Hari Yadav, Suresh Yadav, Ram Naresh Yadav, Bhupendra Yadav, Rajendra Yadav, Yogendra Yadav, Chinka alias Ramesh Yadav, Ghanshyam Yadav along with Parasnath Yadav got angry and attacked Chhotelal with sticks. Chhotelal suffered serious injuries in this attack. Due to which he died.

During the trial of the case, accused Parasnath Yadav, Hari Yadav and Suresh Yadav also died. Assistant District Government Advocate Phanindra Kumar Tripathi presented witnesses and evidence before the court and demanded punishment. On the basis of which, Special Judge SC-ST Court Shakir Hasan, after examining the witnesses and evidence and hearing the arguments of the prosecution and defense, sentenced Suresh Yadav, Bhupendra Yadav, Rajendra Yadav, Yogendra Yadav, Chinka alias Ramesh Yadav and Ghanshyam Yadav to life imprisonment.

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