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Liz Cheney rips Tucker Carlson in viral post

the former Republicans Congresswoman Liz Chaney The former is blasting Fox News the host Tucker Carlson To interview a podcaster who argued that Nazi leader Adolf Hitler was seeking “peace”.

Carlson conducted a more than two-hour interview with podcaster Darryl Cooper, whom Carlson called “the most important historian working in the United States,” previously posted on Monday by X. Twitter.

During the interview, Cooper portrayed British Prime Minister Winston Churchill as the “main villain” of World War II, as Churchill was “chiefly responsible” for escalating the war, for refusing to accept “peace proposals” from Hitler’s Nazi Germany.

Cheney, who was ousted from the Republican leadership and eventually left Congress After denouncing the former president Donald Trump Tuesday slammed Carlson for providing a platform to Cooper for his actions surrounding the January 6 attack on the US Capitol.

“Actually, this is pro-Nazi propaganda, with ‘Churchill being the main villain of WW2’ and Hitler ‘not wanting to fight'” Cheney wrote In response to Carlson’s video post. “No serious or honorable person would endorse or support this kind of garbage.”

Newsweek Tucker Carlson reached the network for comment via email Tuesday night.

Cooper also claimed during Carlson’s interview that the 6 million Jews killed in the Holocaust simply “died” because Nazi Germany “wasn’t ready to deal with millions and millions of prisoners of war,” arguing that the Nazis decided it was “more ” will be. It is humane to finish them quickly due to lack of food.

While Cooper insisted that Churchill’s casting as the “main villain” did not mean that he believed the Nazis were the “good guys” of World War II, he attacked the British leader, accusing him of “rank terrorism” against Germany. While baselessly claiming that the Holocaust was the unintended consequence of bad planning.

Carlson and Cooper received some praise for the interview, including from an X owner Elon MuskWHO shared again posted the video on Tuesday morning and described it as “very interesting” and “worth watching”.

Cheney was far from the only person to criticize Carlson and Cooper for trying to minimize the horrors of Nazi Germany by promoting a historically dubious account of World War II. Some other conservatives were among those who condemned the former the fox The host and his guest on Tuesday.

“Tucker Carlson was not expected to become an outlet for Nazi apologists, but here we are,” said conservative commentator and talk radio host Eric Erickson. wrote On X.

“Tucker Carlson just hosted a Nazi apologist on why Hitler wasn’t so evil and how Winston Churchill was the real ‘bad guy'”. wrote This Republicans Against the Trump account. “This is a reminder that Tucker Carlson got a prime speaking slot at the Republican Convention and speaks regularly with Donald Trump. Vote accordingly.”

“This is the same old Hitler apology (‘He didn’t want to expand the war,’ ‘He didn’t know what to do with all the POWs so he put them in camps,’ etc.),” ​​Sohrab Ahmari, conservative columnist and editor of Compact magazine. wrote. “Remarkably, there is no history writing behind it. This ‘popular historian’ makes only conclusory claims. Shameful.”

Post Liz Cheney rips Tucker Carlson in viral post appeared first Newsweek.

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