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Laura Loomer Faces Backlash for ‘Racist’ Comments on Sheila Jackson Lee’s Death

Laura Loomer Faces Backlash for 'Racist' Comments on Sheila Jackson Lee's Death

Laura Loomer Faces Backlash for 'Racist' Comments on Sheila Jackson Lee's Death

Laura Loomer, a far-right commentator, has faced widespread condemnation for her comments regarding the death of Sheila Jackson Lee, a U.S. House Representative from Texas. Jackson Lee passed away at the age of 74 from pancreatic cancer, and Loomer took to social media platform X (formerly Twitter) to make disparaging remarks about her.

In her post, Loomer referred to Jackson Lee as a “ghetto bitch” and claimed that she would be remembered as a “destructive force in America” and “one of the most low IQ members of Congress.” She expressed that instead of spending her final moments with her family, Jackson Lee was “talking shit about Trump” on social media, concluding her post with “Good riddance!”.

Loomer’s comments have been labeled as racist and reprehensible by many, including politicians and commentators. New York Representative Ritchie Torres criticized Loomer, stating that her words reflect a “rabid racist” attitude and represent the worst aspects of the far-right. He emphasized that such behavior is unacceptable, especially in light of Jackson Lee’s contributions to federal efforts against domestic violence and her role in establishing Juneteenth as a federal holiday.

The backlash against Loomer highlights ongoing tensions in U.S. political discourse, particularly regarding race and the treatment of public figures. Many have called for accountability and condemned the vitriol displayed in her comments, arguing that they undermine civil discourse and reflect poorly on the political climate.

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