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Khanapara TEER Result Today 12 July 2024, Shillong Teer, Juwai Teer, Assam Teer Results

Khanapara Teer, Shillong Teer, and Juwai Teer Results for July 12, 2024

The much-anticipated Teer results for Khanapara, Shillong, and Juwai were announced today, July 12, 2024, drawing the attention of eager participants across Assam and Meghalaya.

Khanapara Teer Results
The Khanapara Teer game, a traditional archery-based betting event, saw its first round (FR) result at 3:55 PM as 31, and the second round (SR) result at 4:45 PM as 38.

Shillong Teer Results
In the Shillong Teer game, the first round (FR) result was 54, and the second round (SR) result was 55, announced at 4:14 PM and 5:07 PM respectively.

Juwai Teer Results
The Juwai Teer game, another popular archery-based betting event, had its first round (FR) result at 2:15 PM as 88, and the second round (SR) result at 3:00 PM as 97.

These Teer results are eagerly awaited by participants who have placed bets based on their predictions or dreams, hoping to win significant rewards. The Teer games have become a beloved form of entertainment and gambling in the region, blending cultural tradition with the excitement of chance.

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