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Kenyan Serial Killer Arrested After Confessing to Murdering 42 Women

Kenyan authorities have arrested a 33-year-old man who has confessed to murdering 42 women over the past two years. The suspect, identified as Jomaisi Khalisia, was apprehended at a bar in the early hours of Monday morning while watching the Euro championship final.

According to the Director of the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI), Mohamed Amin, the suspect admitted to luring, killing, and dumping the bodies of 42 female victims at an abandoned quarry used as a garbage site in Nairobi.

The gruesome discovery came to light when the mutilated remains of nine women were found at the dump site. Amin stated that significant evidence was recovered from the suspect’s residence, including multiple mobile devices, a laptop, a large knife, identification documents, and women’s personal belongings.

Investigators believe the suspect had a “keen eye for beautiful women” and actively targeted his victims, with evidence suggesting he was attempting to lure another potential victim, identified as Susan, at the time of his arrest.

The arrest of the alleged serial killer has sent shockwaves across Kenya, with the public expressing outrage and disbelief over the scale and brutality of the crimes. Amin emphasized the suspect’s “psychopathic” nature and lack of respect for human life.

This latest development comes a year after the discovery of a mass grave in the coastal town of Kilifi, where a cult leader was accused of forcing his followers to starve to death in order to “meet Jesus.”

The Kenyan authorities have vowed to conduct a thorough investigation and bring the perpetrator to justice. They have also urged the public to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activities or information that could aid in the ongoing probe.

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