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Kamala Harris vs Donald Trump: Who has better approval rating? Check latest data here

Recent polling data reveals that both Kamala Harris and Donald Trump are facing negative approval ratings as they gear up for the 2024 presidential election.

Recent polling data reveals that both Kamala Harris and Donald Trump are facing negative approval ratings as they gear up for the 2024 presidential election.

Recent polling data reveals that both Kamala Harris and Donald Trump are facing negative approval ratings as they gear up for the 2024 presidential election.

Current Approval Ratings

According to FiveThirtyEight’s analysis from July 17, 2024, Kamala Harris has a net approval rating of -11.8%, with 38.6% of respondents approving of her performance and 50.4% disapproving. In comparison, Donald Trump has a slightly worse net approval rating of -12%, with 41.7% approval and 53.7% disapproval.

Different polls reflect varying results, indicating that both candidates struggle with public perception. For instance, a YouGov poll reported Harris with a net approval of -12, while Trump had a net approval of -9. In another survey by HarrisX, Harris fared even worse, showing a net approval of -15, whereas Trump had a net disapproval of -9.

Context of the Ratings

These approval ratings come in the wake of President Joe Biden’s announcement that he will not seek re-election, endorsing Harris as the Democratic nominee. This shift has heightened scrutiny on Harris as she prepares for a potential showdown with Trump on November 5, 2024. Trump has commented that Harris would be an easier opponent compared to Biden, labeling Biden as the “worst president” in U.S. history.

Implications for the Election

The negative ratings for both candidates suggest a challenging electoral landscape. Harris’s approval ratings are closely tied to Biden’s, reflecting the difficulties she has faced in her vice presidency, particularly regarding immigration and abortion rights. Trump’s negative ratings, while slightly worse, indicate that he too is not viewed favorably by a significant portion of the electorate.

As the election approaches, both candidates will need to address these perceptions to bolster their chances in the upcoming race.

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