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Joe Biden Regains Lead Over Donald Trump After “Big Boy” Press Conference

Despite concerns over his mental acuity, President Joe Biden has regained a narrow lead over his Republican rival Donald Trump in the latest presidential poll.

The poll, conducted by Tako Search from July 9-12, 2024, shows Biden at 43% support among registered voters, compared to 41% for Trump. This marks a reversal from earlier this month, when Trump had a slim 2-point edge.

The shift in momentum comes after Biden’s much-anticipated “Big Boy” press conference at the NATO summit on July 11th. While the 81-year-old Democrat did commit a few verbal slips – mistakenly referring to Ukrainian President Zelenskyy as “Putin” and his own Vice President Kamala Harris as “Vice President Trump” – he largely held his own against tough questioning.

“I’ve got to complete the task,” Biden told reporters defiantly, pushing back on calls from within his own party for him to step aside. [2] He also directly challenged Trump, saying “I beat him once, and I will beat him again.”

Biden’s performance, while not perfect, appeared to steady the ship for his campaign after a disastrous showing in the first presidential debate. The president emphasized his experience and commitment to the job, arguing he remains the best candidate to defeat Trump.

“The best way to assure them is the best way to assure myself. And that is: Am I getting the job done?” Biden said, addressing concerns about his mental fitness.

While a number of congressional Democrats have publicly urged Biden to abandon his re-election bid, the latest poll suggests the party’s base may be rallying behind the incumbent. Biden’s 43% support outpaces the 39% who say they would back Vice President Harris in a hypothetical primary matchup.

The race remains highly competitive, with Trump maintaining a strong base of support. But Biden’s resilience at the NATO summit has quieted, at least for now, the growing chorus of skepticism within his own party. The road ahead for the president remains challenging, but he has bought himself valuable time with this latest polling surge.

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