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Joe Biden: Only a Medical Condition Would Make Me Drop Out of the 2024 Race

Joe Biden: Only a Medical Condition Would Make Me Drop Out of the 2024 Race

Joe Biden: Only a Medical Condition Would Make Me Drop Out of the 2024 Race

In a series of recent interviews, President Joe Biden has made it clear that he has no intention of dropping out of the 2024 presidential race, barring one specific circumstance – a serious medical condition.

When asked by BET journalist Ed Gordon about factors that could make him reevaluate his candidacy, Biden stated: “If I had some medical condition that emerged, if somebody, if doctors came to me and said, you got this problem and that problem.” This echoes previous comments Biden made to ABC News, where he said he would only step down if “the Lord Almighty” instructed him to do so.

Biden’s remarks come amid growing calls from within his own party for him to step aside. Representative Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) recently became the 21st House Democrat to urge Biden to hand over the reins, citing concerns over his cognitive health and repeated public gaffes. However, the president has remained steadfast in his commitment to run for a second term, stating that he is the “most qualified person to beat” his likely Republican opponent, former President Donald Trump.

The president’s health has been a subject of scrutiny since before his election in 2020. After his latest physical in February, his doctor, Kevin O’Connor, stated that Biden “remains fit to successfully execute the duties of the presidency.” O’Connor also said a cognitive exam was unnecessary, as there were no signs of a stroke, multiple sclerosis, or Parkinson’s disease.

Despite these assurances, Biden’s acknowledgment that a medical condition could prompt him to reconsider his candidacy underscores the importance he places on his physical and mental well-being. As the oldest person to ever hold the office of the presidency, Biden’s health will undoubtedly continue to be a focal point in the 2024 race.

For now, Biden appears determined to stay in the fight, telling the Complex network host Speedy Morman that he will “1,000 percent” be on the ballot in November “unless I get hit by a train.” However, the president has made it clear that he would heed the advice of his doctors if they were to uncover a serious medical issue, signaling that his health remains a key consideration as the 2024 campaign season unfolds.

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