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Joe Biden is Covid positive: When can he return to campaigning?

Joe Biden is Covid positive: When can he return to campaigning?

Last Updated on 19/07/2024 by wccexam Desk

US President Joe Biden has tested positive for Covid-19 while campaigning in Las Vegas, experiencing mild symptoms, according to the White House. This diagnosis has raised questions about his campaign schedule and future appearances as he prepares for the upcoming election.

Details of the Diagnosis

Biden tested positive on July 17, 2024, during a campaign trip aimed at engaging Latino voters at the UnidosUS annual conference. His positive result was announced by Janet Murguía, the president of UnidosUS, who expressed Biden’s disappointment at missing the event. The White House confirmed that the president is fully vaccinated and has received booster shots, which has contributed to his mild symptoms. He is currently self-isolating at his Delaware residence, following CDC guidelines, which recommend isolation until symptoms improve and the individual has been fever-free for at least 24 hours.

Impact on Campaigning

Biden’s positive test comes at a critical time as he seeks to bolster support ahead of the November elections. This is not the first time he has contracted Covid-19; he previously tested positive in July 2022. His current symptoms include upper respiratory issues, such as a runny nose and cough, but he has stated that he feels “good” overall.

The campaign is expected to adapt by utilizing remote engagements, as Biden has done in the past during similar situations. His aides have indicated that he will continue to communicate with supporters through video calls and other virtual means while in isolation.

When Can He Return to Campaigning?

According to CDC guidelines, Biden will need to remain in isolation until he meets the criteria of being fever-free for at least 24 hours and showing improvement in his symptoms. After this period, he is advised to wear a mask for an additional five days when around others. Given the mild nature of his symptoms and his vaccination status, it is anticipated that he may be able to resume in-person campaigning relatively soon, depending on his recovery progress.

Biden’s diagnosis adds to the ongoing discussions about his age and fitness for office, especially as he navigates a challenging political landscape. With growing pressure from some party members regarding his candidacy, the coming days will be crucial for both his health and campaign strategy as he prepares for the election season ahead.