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Jharkhand: CCTV was covered with cloth, then children were beaten with belt and iron rod, sports teacher committed brutality

A shocking incident has come to light from Ranchi, Jharkhand. Where the school’s sports teacher beat the children brutally. It is alleged that the teacher tied a cloth on the CCTV camera installed in the room and then beat the children. It is being told that on July 22, the children had gone to play in an inter-school sports tournament organized in a school in Sector 4 of Bokaro. Where they did not perform well, just because of this, the sports teacher Ayush got angry and beat the children.

Due to the beating, many wounds have appeared on the backs of the children and the injury marks are clearly visible on their legs and back. After which the parents of the children lodged a complaint against the accused teacher in the local police station. Earlier, the children had raised this issue before the school principal on Wednesday. On this, the principal had said that further action will be taken after investigation. The police have started investigating this matter.

Sports teacher brutally beat the students

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Manish Kumar, the father of one of the victim children, said that more than a dozen children including his child had gone to participate in the inter-school competition held in Bokaro on July 22. Many children could not perform well in the game. When the children returned at night, the sports teacher Ayush beat the children with a belt and a rusty iron rod in the school itself.

Police registered a case and started investigation

After this incident, angry parents created a ruckus in the school on Wednesday. The police said that the matter is being investigated seriously and further action will be taken accordingly. Statements of the children have been recorded and medical tests have also been done.

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