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Italian Police Rescue 33 Indian Farm Workers from Exploitative ‘Slavery’ Conditions

Italian police have rescued 33 Indian farm labourers who were being subjected to “slavery” conditions in Italy. The workers’ wages were entirely withheld until they had settled their debts, a practice the police described as “slavery”.

Under Italian employment law, workers are entitled to be paid regularly, with salaries normally corresponding at the end of each working month as determined by company policies or national collective bargaining agreements (NCBAs). There is no provision for withholding wages until debts are repaid. This practice of debt bondage amounts to forced labor, which is illegal under Italian and international law.

The rescued workers were employed in the agricultural sector, an industry that has faced issues of exploitation and poor working conditions for migrant laborers in Italy. NCBAs in Italy establish minimum standards for salaries, working hours, and other employment terms, but enforcement remains a challenge, particularly for vulnerable migrant workers.

Italian law prohibits discrimination and requires equal pay for equal work. However, migrant workers, including those from India, are at higher risk of labor abuses such as excessive working hours, unsafe conditions, and wage theft. The authorities must continue to vigilantly investigate and prosecute such exploitation to protect the rights of all workers in Italy.

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