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Italian Culture Minister Resigns After Love Affair Scandal

Italian Culture Minister Gennaro Sanguilano Resigned He tried to get hired from his post on Friday after admitting to having an affair.

“After much thought, during painful days filled with hatred against me from certain parts of the political media system, I have decided to resign as Minister of Culture in irrevocable terms,” ​​he wrote in a letter. letter sent to Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Maloney, in which he also thanked her for defending him. Maloney Accepted His resignation.

Sangiuliano was on Wednesday Forced to confess the affair Along with social media influencer Maria Rosaria Boccia, whom he tried to hire as a consultant to the ministry.

Boccia announced on Instagram that she has a new role as an advisor for the Ministry of Culture’s flagship programs – a claim the ministry itself made. denied. She also published pictures of herself on a business trip with a married Sangiuliano.

In an interview with Italy’s RAI state broadcaster, Sanguiliano insisted at the time that public money was not used to pay for her trips with Boccia and that she did not have access to confidential documents. He resigned on Wednesday, which Maloney did not accept.

It will be replace by Alessandro Giuli, President of the MAXXI Foundation, who will be sworn in on Friday evening.

Post Italian Culture Minister Resigns After Love Affair Scandal appeared first Politico.

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