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‘It is better to give birth to a criminal than to…’ A woman aborted her 6-month pregnancy

Many times in the country and the world, people get abortions done to end unwanted pregnancies. In most cases, people do this when they get pregnant before marriage or to run away from responsibilities. But recently, a woman from China decided to abort her 6-month pregnancy. That is, initially she wanted to become a mother but later something happened that she got the child aborted.

The unborn child had XYY syndrome

In fact, she found out during prenatal checkup that her unborn child has XYY syndrome. This is a genetic condition that has been linked to criminal behavior. That is, many people reportedly believe that children with such genetic conditions are angry, violent and criminal minded. The reason for abortion for the woman was that it was better to kill the criminal than to give birth to him.

Prenatal report shown on social media

On July 14, a six-month pregnant Jiujiu from Sichuan province in southwestern China shared her prenatal report on Douyin, which said her baby was highly likely to have the syndrome, SCMP reported. Also known as Jacobs syndrome, the condition gives the baby an extra Y chromosome. XYY syndrome is a genetic condition that is found exclusively in males.

What does the embryologist say?

Meanwhile, Qi Qianrong, an embryologist at the Reproductive Medicine Center of Renmin Hospital of Wuhan University in the central province of Hubei, said that ‘Generally speaking, people with XYY syndrome may appear more masculine and taller than others. This condition is not very rare. Its reported cases are one in 1000. Many people have chromosomal abnormal conditions, which usually do not affect normal life.’

People said- this child is ‘Born Evil’

Studies show that people with XYY syndrome may have attention deficit, hyperactivity and impulsive behaviour, but it is not common for such people to always be aggressive or psychotic. However, most of the 190,000 comments on Jiujiu’s post justified the decision to abort. Some even called the child ‘born evil’. One person on Douyin said, ‘Children with XYY syndrome have a higher tendency for criminal behaviour and often resort to violence. I support abortion.’ Another said – ‘Having this child is like placing a time bomb around everyone.’

‘Nobody is born a bad person’

On July 18, Jiujiu aborted the pregnancy after consulting doctors and discussing with her family. She said, ‘Given the uncertainties after birth and my situation as a normal family, I have decided to abort the pregnancy to be responsible for myself and the unborn child. I hope people will not stigmatize XYY syndrome. You should understand the reality of this condition from the doctor. However, losing a child is a painful experience for me.’

One user said- ‘This is a brave and responsible mother. Respect her decision and wish her well.’ While another said- ‘I hope people break such misconceptions. No one is a bad person by birth.’

‘Not everyone with this syndrome is necessarily a criminal’

Embryologist Qi said, ‘People’s understanding of XYY syndrome is one-sided. They exaggerate symptoms like violence or criminality. Some criminals have this syndrome, but this does not mean that all those with this syndrome will be criminals.’

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