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Israel launched a major attack on Lebanon after the death of 12 innocent people, Hezbollah commander’s advisor killed

Apart from Hamas in Gaza, Israel is also fighting Hezbollah in Lebanon. The Israeli army attacked a Hezbollah commander in Lebanon’s capital Beirut on Tuesday. The IDF’s reasoning behind this attack was that the Hezbollah commander was responsible for the attack in Golan Heights. 12 Israeli children were killed in this attack. After the attack on Beirut, the Israeli Defense Force said that Hezbollah commander and Hassan Nasrallah’s advisor Haj Mohsen died in this attack.

According to Reuters, an eyewitness said that a loud explosion was heard and a cloud of smoke was seen rising in the stronghold of the Lebanese armed group Hezbollah.

The Israeli Defense Forces said in a statement that the IDF carried out a targeted attack in Beirut on the commander responsible for the murder of children in Majdal Shams and the killing of several other Israeli civilians. After the attack, the IDF has not issued any new instructions for civilian protection in Israel.

Lebanon’s official National News Agency said the Israeli attack targeted the area around Hezbollah’s Shura Council in the capital’s Haret Harek area. Beirut has been tense for several days over fears of an Israeli attack in retaliation for the attack on the Druze village of Majdal Shams in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, in which a dozen young men were killed. Israel and the US have blamed Hezbollah for the attack. Hezbollah, on the other hand, has denied responsibility.

After the IDF attack, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is assessing the security of the country. The Defense Minister, Minister of Strategic Affairs, IDF Chief-of-Staff, Director of Mossad, Director of ISA, Director of National Security Council, Chief-of-Staff of the Prime Minister, Military Secretary of the Prime Minister, Cabinet Secretary, IDF Intelligence Chief, IDF Operations Chief, Head of IDF Strategy Directorate are participating in this meeting.

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