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Is Vance the New VP-Elect of Tamil Nadu or Andhra Pradesh Descent?

Is Vance the New VP-Elect of Tamil Nadu or Andhra Pradesh Descent?

Is Vance the New VP-Elect of Tamil Nadu or Andhra Pradesh Descent?

The recent election of Kamala Harris’ successor as Vice President of the United States has sparked an interesting online debate among Indians. According to social media chatter, the new VP-elect, Usha Chilukuri Vance, has roots tracing back to the Indian states of Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh.

Kamala Harris’ Indian Roots
Prior to Vance’s selection, Vice President Kamala Harris was widely known to have origins in Tamil Nadu, India. Her mother, Shyamala Gopalan, was born and raised in the southern Indian state before immigrating to the United States. This connection to Tamil Nadu has been a point of pride for many Indians.

Usha Chilukuri Vance’s Potential Indian Ties
Now, with Vance’s elevation to the second-highest office in the US, the internet is abuzz with speculation about her own Indian heritage. Some social media users have suggested that Vance may have roots in the neighboring state of Andhra Pradesh, citing her surname “Chilukuri” which is common in the region.

However, the exact details of Vance’s family background remain unclear, and it’s uncertain whether she has direct ancestral ties to India. The online debate highlights the keen interest among Indians in tracing the subcontinental origins of prominent American politicians of Indian descent.

Internet Connectivity in Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh
Interestingly, the states of Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh also happen to be leaders in internet connectivity within India. Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, and Andhra Pradesh have the highest number of broadband connections in the country.[2][4] Additionally, Andhra Pradesh ranks second in South India for internet access in government schools, with 45% connectivity compared to 24.68% in Tamil Nadu.

This strong digital infrastructure in the two southern states may have contributed to the lively online discussion around Vance’s potential Indian links. As the US welcomes its newest Indian-American Vice President, the internet has once again underscored the enduring connections between the subcontinent and the American political landscape.

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