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Is it not a skill test for a job but a pregnancy test? Interviews were being conducted in 16 companies for a job, then…

What is required to get a good job? Excellent skills, a good degree, good experience—even after all these preparations, getting a job is a big challenge. But have you ever heard that apart from all these conditions, pregnancy test should also be made mandatory?

Nowadays, one such case has become a topic of discussion on social media. Some lawyers in China have recently filed a case against at least 16 companies, which are accused of making female job applicants undergo pregnancy tests. These companies tested the women for pregnancy without formally informing them and at least one female candidate was rejected for the job after it was found that she was pregnant.

How was this game of companies exposed

According to CNN’s report, this case is from Nantong district of Jiangsu province of China. Where this entire controversy has come to light on a complaint. The lawyers here have filed a case against 16 companies, which are accused of illegally conducting pregnancy tests of women who came for jobs without any official notification.

The investigation has revealed that these companies were violating women’s right to equal employment opportunities. It is alleged that one of these female applicants was pregnant and as soon as this information came to light, the company cancelled her appointment letter. This case is not only a sign of violation of Chinese law, but is also being seen as a violation of women’s rights.

What does Chinese law say?

China’s law clearly prohibits pregnancy tests in the pre-job process. This is considered a violation of women’s right to equal employment opportunities. As soon as the matter came to light, an investigation has been started and preparations are being made to take action against the companies. This matter has now sparked a debate on social media and people have reacted strongly to it. People on social media are seeing it as an issue of women’s rights.

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