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Iran is burning in the fire of revenge after the murder of a guest who came to the house, ‘Red Flag’ was put on the main mosque

Following the assassination of Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh, a red flag has been hoisted on the dome of the Jamkaran Mosque in Qom, Iran. This red flag is considered a symbol of revenge, indicating rising tensions and a possible retaliatory strike against Israel. Ismail Haniyeh was in Iran for the swearing-in ceremony of new President Masoud Pezeshkian. Pictures of his meeting with the Supreme Leader also emerged shortly before the assassination.

Another statement has been issued by the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), condemning the killing of Haniyeh. The Iranian army called the killing of the Hamas chief “criminal and cowardly”.

The Revolutionary Guard says that Israel has killed Haniyeh to hide its failure in Gaza and to divert the world’s attention, where the Israeli army equipped with ultra-modern weapons has failed to win the war for 9 months. The statement says that by doing such an act, Israel wants to divert attention from the casualties of children, women and old people in Gaza.

While Israel uses weapons equipped with the most modern technology, Hamas is using sporadic weapons. The killing of Ismail Haniyeh was also condemned in another statement by the IRGC.

Haniyeh was in his house in northern Tehran when it is said that the Israeli army attacked, in which he and some of his close ones were killed. Israel has strongly protested in its statement. It is being told that Haniyeh’s funeral will be read in Tehran, Iran. After this, his body will be sent to Doha, Qatar, where he will be buried.

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