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Intensified Militancy in Doda: Security Forces Engage in Ongoing Encounters After Recent Attacks

Doda News

Doda News

Recent escalations in militancy in Doda, Jammu and Kashmir, have prompted intense military engagements following a series of attacks that have left security forces on high alert. The resurgence of militant activity in the region, which had experienced relative peace for nearly two decades, has raised significant concerns among security officials.

Background of the Situation

Since 2021, Doda has witnessed a troubling revival of terrorism, attributed to various factors including a shift in military focus and infiltration from across the border. The region, once considered stable, is now grappling with increased militant operations, particularly from groups with ties to Pakistan-based organizations like Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) .

Recent Encounters

The most notable incident occurred on July 15, 2024, when an encounter in the Desa forest area resulted in the deaths of four Army personnel, including a Captain. The operation was initiated following intelligence reports of terrorist presence in the area. Security forces, comprising the Rashtriya Rifles and the Special Operations Group of Jammu and Kashmir Police, launched a joint cordon and search operation, which quickly escalated into fierce exchanges of gunfire with militants .

In the subsequent days, security forces continued to engage in encounters, with reports of multiple exchanges of fire in the same forest region. Despite the challenging terrain, efforts to track down the militants have intensified, with aerial support and additional troops deployed to the area .

Factors Contributing to Militancy

Several factors have been identified as contributing to the resurgence of militancy in Doda:

  1. Security Vacuum: The redeployment of troops to Eastern Ladakh following conflicts with Chinese forces has left certain areas in Jammu vulnerable to militant infiltration. This shift has allowed terrorists to exploit the reduced military presence and establish footholds in the region .
  2. Infiltration: Intelligence reports indicate that highly trained terrorists have infiltrated from Pakistan, taking advantage of the forested terrain to evade capture. This infiltration has been linked to a broader strategy of re-establishing militant networks in Jammu and Kashmir .
  3. Local Support: There are concerns that local support for these militant groups may be growing, further complicating efforts to eradicate their presence in the region .

The ongoing encounters in Doda reflect a significant challenge for security forces as they navigate the complexities of renewed militancy. The situation underscores the need for a comprehensive strategy to address both the immediate threats posed by armed groups and the underlying factors contributing to their resurgence. As operations continue, the commitment of the Indian Army and local police forces remains crucial in restoring stability in the region.

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