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Infidelity with IAS husband, love with a criminal and betrayal… the woman’s story had a tragic end!

‘At least I don’t expect this from death, life, you have given me betrayal after betrayal’… These lines of famous poet Firaq Gorakhpuri perfectly suit Surya, wife of Gujarat cadre IAS officer Ranjit Kumar J. Recently, Surya committed suicide by consuming poison outside her house in Gandhinagar. She wanted to go inside the house, but the security guard refused. For a woman who was frustrated and troubled with her life, giving up her life seemed easier than living. Surya is gone, but she has left behind a full family and many stories and questions.

The first question is that why did she feel the need to commit suicide when her husband was an IAS officer, working in a good department and position in the state and she had two children? Why was the security guard stopping her from entering her own house? What was her fault that her husband was not cooperating with her? The answers to all these questions are hidden in that heart-wrenching story which started eight months ago. Actually, the relationship between Surya and Ranjit was not good. There used to be quarrels every day. Ranjit had come to know about her illicit relationship.

This is the reason why one day Surya left her husband’s house and came from Gujarat to her home state Tamil Nadu. There she started living with her lover Raja. Her lover is not a simple person, but the most notorious gangster of the state. He is wanted in many serious crimes including murder and attempt to murder. Raja deceived Surya to leave her husband and come. Both of them will start a business together. Surya has a lot of property, her lover had his eyes on her. He wanted her to sell it and give him the money so that he can start a business.

While both of them were planning their business, the police arrested Raja in an old murder case. A case was also registered against Surya for giving shelter to a criminal in his house. She was left completely alone. She had to suffer financial losses due to the expenses incurred in fighting legal battles and preparing for the business. To compensate for this, she sold some of her property to a woman named Sampatti Lakshmi. After this, she moved to Bangalore and enrolled in a college there for a course to become a chef.

Name came up in kidnapping case, police started searching

During this time, when the money started falling short, he requested Lakshmi to help him pay the course fees, but she flatly refused. Instead, she said that if she wanted money, she should sell her remaining property to him. Surya got angry at this. Meanwhile, on July 11, Lakshmi’s son was kidnapped. She filed a case accusing Surya of this. A ransom of Rs 2 crore was demanded in exchange for releasing the child, but Madurai police recovered the boy safely. After this, the police started searching for the accused including Surya.

When the wife was in trouble, she thought of her husband

Surya started running here and there to escape from the police. In this time of crisis, she finally thought of her family and husband. She thought that her husband is an IAS officer, maybe he can save her from getting into these legal troubles. Thinking this, she reached her home in Gandhinagar. But here her husband had made some other plan. He had thought of getting a divorce to get rid of his wife. He was in the process of filing a divorce petition. He had also come to know about the case registered against Surya. This is the reason why the guard stopped her from entering the house.


The world betrayed her, she came to her husband to apologize

Now seeing no end to his problems, Surya consumed poison outside his house. He was immediately taken to the hospital, where he died during treatment. The police investigating the case found a letter written by Surya. She has written this letter in Tamil addressed to Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin, in which she has told her whole story. Everything from separation from her husband to the betrayal by her lover is recorded. She has written that she had come to apologize to her husband, who is a noble person and takes good care of his children.

She got married 20 years ago and was the mother of two children.

Gandhinagar Superintendent of Police (SP) Ravi Teja Vasamsetty said that Surya was absconding and the police were chasing her. She had returned to Gandhinagar hoping to meet her husband again. IAS Ranjit Kumar and she were married about 20 years ago. They have two children, a son and a daughter, who live with their father. Ranjit Kumar’s lawyer Hitesh Gupta said that when Surya returned, the IAS officer was in the process of filing a divorce petition. He is a 2005 batch officer. He is currently the secretary of the Gujarat Electricity Regulatory Commission.

She cheated her own husband and kept cheating on him again and again

There are many lessons to be learnt from Surya’s story. She betrayed a pure relationship and came to live with a stranger by trusting him. By betraying her own people and trusting strangers, she made the biggest mistake of her life. Her lover first wanted to extort money and then sold her property in the name of business. He kept pretending to love her, while he was already with Lakshmi. He took away her property from both of them by deceit. After this, when she wanted to start her life afresh, her name came up in a kidnapping case. She did not find peace anywhere.

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