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Indian engineers are a different breed! When the company CEO asked him to take some leave, he replied – Sir, my body…

Almost all employees in the corporate sector complain of being overworked and overwhelmed with work. Many people spend late nights in the office in preparation for a project or trying to complete work before the deadline.
Work is an important part of many of our lives. However, if you are unable to maintain a balance between work and personal life, it can sometimes cause problems.

Recently, Roshan Patel, founder and CEO of Arrow, gave an example on social media and told how sometimes we forget to give time to ourselves due to work. Along with this, he also made fun of the way engineers work. Patel shared a chat on X in which he says to one of his employees – ‘Hey, I noticed that you have not taken a break for yourself for a long time. I would like you to take a little break, you need it.’

First of all, receiving such a message from the boss is surprising but the employee’s reply is even more unbelievable. He says- ‘I don’t need any break Sir, my body is dedicated to finding ‘product market fit’ for the company.’ In the caption of this post, Patel jokingly wrote- ‘Indian engineers are a different species.’

Since being shared, the post has garnered over four million views and over 75,000 likes. “Elon Musk is looking for such an employee,” said one user. Another added, “Such people actually exist. I once worked in a consultancy where most of my team members were Indians. They work hard.”

One user said- ‘If you could not understand his sarcasm then you have not worked enough with Indian engineers.’ One said- Many people can also call this toxic. Another wrote- It is not such a big deal because the office does not take the contract of your work life balance.

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