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Indian Army will deploy robotic mules and cargo drones… this is the plan

The Indian Army transports its goods from one place to another on the borders, especially in hilly areas, with the help of mules. Now, to reduce dependence on animals, robotic mules will be used. These robotic mules will carry goods for the soldiers at the forward posts. Watch the video of the capabilities of such robotic mules below…

Apart from this, the army is also considering buying logistics drones i.e. cargo carrying drones. So that the cost of travelling to remote areas is reduced. Also, the goods can be delivered quickly. In hilly areas, the army is now doing the work of transporting animals with trucks, all-terrain vehicles (ATV) and rugged terrain vehicles (RTV).

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Mules have historically helped in carrying goods on high and inaccessible mountains. As infrastructure developed, animal transport became less popular. These are being replaced by ATVs and RTVs. These help in transporting goods quickly. The animals also do not suffer. Now a new name can be added to the list of mechanical cargo carriers.

indian army, robotic mule, cargo drone
In this, those robots are visible, which will help in carrying the goods of the army in future.

IISc Bangalore is helping in making such robotic mules

Robotic mules can walk on any kind of uneven roads. They can lift 70 to 80 kg of weight. If bigger robots are purchased, their capacity will be more. The robotic mule whose trials are going on at present can lift 70-80 kg of weight. It was being made by the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.

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indian army, robotic mule, cargo drone

Demand for fully advanced robotic mule which is automated

Its prototype was tested this summer. In January last year, the army had expressed the need for 100 robotic mules. A Request for Proposal (RFP) was also issued for this. The effort is to get these robotic mules from an indigenous company. The army demands that the robotic mules should be such that they can run on any kind of terrain. They should have self-recovery capability. That is, they should be able to get up and walk back on their path after falling. Also, they should have the automatic capability to cross any kind of obstacle.

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indian army, robotic mule, cargo drone

Robotic mules should be able to work in any kind of temperature

The most important thing is that the robotic mule should be able to work at temperatures ranging from -20 degrees Celsius to 45 degrees Celsius or above. It should have a battery that lasts for at least three hours. In many countries, robotic mules are being used instead of animals at high altitudes. So that it becomes easier to transport goods. The army hopes that by the year 2030, the work of transporting goods by animals will be reduced by 50 to 60 percent. But there will be a need on the borders.

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indian army, robotic mule, cargo drone

Very soon these cargo carrying robots will be seen with the army

The army is rapidly trying to reduce the work of carrying goods by animals. Soon these robotic mules will be seen with the army. But real animals will be needed in the mountains. Because when the clouds burst in Sikkim last time, the roads disappeared. Helicopters were not able to fly due to bad weather. Then mules helped. The army can advance with mechanical help, but animals will be needed in extreme conditions.


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