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India Backs Mauritius in Sovereignty Dispute Over Chagos Archipelago

India has reaffirmed its unwavering support for Mauritius in the longstanding sovereignty dispute over the Chagos Archipelago in the Indian Ocean.

During a visit to Mauritius, Indian External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar assured Prime Minister Pravind Jugnauth that India will continue to back Mauritius’ efforts to reclaim the Chagos Islands, which were separated from Mauritius by the United Kingdom in the 1960s.

The Chagos Archipelago, which includes the strategically important Diego Garcia island that hosts a major U.S. military base, has been a point of contention between Mauritius and the UK for decades. Mauritius claims the islands are rightfully part of its territory, while the UK has maintained control over the archipelago as the “British Indian Ocean Territory.”

Jaishankar reiterated India’s principled stand on decolonization and support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of nations. He stated, “On the issue of Chagos, India will continue its consistent support to Mauritius in line with its principal stand on decolonization and support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of nations.”

Mauritius, which gained independence from Britain in 1968, has long argued that the separation of the Chagos Islands was unlawful and a grave injustice. The International Court of Justice has also ruled that the UK’s continued administration of the Chagos Archipelago is illegal.

India’s unwavering support for Mauritius on this issue reflects the two countries’ close and enduring relationship, which is rooted in historical, demographic and cultural ties. With a population that is nearly 70% of Indian origin, Mauritius holds a special place in India’s strategic and diplomatic calculus in the Indian Ocean region.

The Chagos dispute remains a contentious issue, with the UK refusing to cede control of the archipelago to Mauritius. However, India’s steadfast backing of Mauritius’ sovereignty claims is a significant boost for the island nation’s efforts to complete its decolonization process and regain control over the Chagos Islands.

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