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Imran Khan’s Wife Raises Alarm Over Prison Conditions and Fears for His Safety

Imran Khan's Wife Raises Alarm Over Prison Conditions and Fears for His Safety

Imran Khan's Wife Raises Alarm Over Prison Conditions and Fears for His Safety

Bushra Bibi, the wife of jailed former Prime Minister Imran Khan, has expressed grave concerns for her husband’s safety while he remains incarcerated at Adiala Jail. During a recent interaction with journalists, she described the conditions in which Khan, aged 71, is being held as inhumane and unsanitary. Bushra alleged that he is being provided with contaminated food and that the overall environment is detrimental to his health.

She highlighted her fears not only for Khan’s well-being but also for her own safety, referencing past incidents where Khan faced life-threatening situations, including an assassination attempt and alleged poisoning. Despite their requests for a formal investigation into these incidents, Bushra stated that the court has yet to address these concerns.

Bushra recounted a disturbing visit where she observed Khan appearing malnourished and struggling with hygiene issues, such as removing insects from his hair. She criticized the treatment of political prisoners, arguing that Khan is subjected to harsher conditions than other inmates, who she claimed are treated with more respect and provided better facilities.

Furthermore, Bushra confirmed allegations that food provided to Khan was tampered with, including claims of toilet cleaner being mixed into his meals. She maintained that both she and Khan are willing to testify under oath regarding these serious allegations, emphasizing their belief that the claims against them are baseless.

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