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Imran Khan’s Downfall and the PTI Ban: Is Shehbaz Sharif Consolidating Power in Pakistan?

Pakistan’s Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has been accused by Imran Khan’s Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party of being afraid of Khan and of ordering the ban on the PTI just days after the party received a significant relief from the Supreme Court. This accusation stems from the recent events surrounding Khan’s arrest and the subsequent political turmoil in the country.


Imran Khan, the former prime minister of Pakistan and the leader of the PTI, was arrested on August 5, 2023, at his residence in Lahore. The arrest was ordered by a court in Islamabad, which found Khan guilty of corruption charges. This decision automatically barred Khan from participating in politics for the next five years, effectively ending his political career for the time being.

Political Turmoil

The arrest of Imran Khan sparked widespread protests and violence across Pakistan. His supporters, including thousands of PTI workers, took to the streets, damaging public property and clashing with law enforcement agencies. The violence resulted in several deaths and injuries, with many more arrested. Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif condemned these actions, describing them as “acts of terrorism” and “enmity towards the country”.

Accusations of Fear and Vendetta

The PTI and its supporters have accused Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif of being afraid of Imran Khan and of pursuing a personal vendetta against him. They claim that Sharif’s government is targeting Khan and his party due to political differences and a desire to eliminate any opposition to his rule. This accusation is based on the timing of Khan’s arrest and the subsequent ban on the PTI, which they believe is an attempt to silence Khan and his supporters.

Legal and Political Context

The legal and political context surrounding Khan’s arrest and the ban on the PTI is complex. Khan has consistently denied any wrongdoing and has accused the government of pursuing a politically motivated crackdown against him. His supporters argue that the charges against him are fabricated and part of a broader conspiracy to undermine his political influence.

Government’s Denials

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has denied any personal vendetta against Imran Khan. In an interview with The Guardian, Sharif stated that “victimisation is not in [his] dictionary” and accused Khan of “shabby treatment of opposition leaders” during his own tenure as prime minister. Sharif also emphasized that the legal process against Khan is being handled by relevant institutions and the rule of law, and that there is no question of a crackdown or personal vendetta.

Political and Economic Challenges

Pakistan is currently grappling with severe economic challenges, including high inflation, a significant foreign debt, and dwindling foreign reserves. The country has also been affected by devastating floods, which have left thousands dead and millions displaced. Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has been working to address these issues, including efforts to mend diplomatic ties with key foreign allies, particularly the United States.

The accusations of Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif being afraid of Imran Khan and ordering the ban on the PTI are contentious and politically charged. While the PTI and its supporters believe that Sharif’s actions are motivated by a desire to eliminate political opposition, Sharif himself has denied any personal vendetta and emphasized the importance of the rule of law in handling Khan’s legal case. The ongoing political and economic challenges in Pakistan will likely continue to shape the country’s political landscape in the coming months.

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