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‘If not caught, we cannot rule out the possibility of killing’, said Sanjay Nishad on the terror of wolves in Bahraich

Fisheries and Forest Minister of Uttar Pradesh Government, Sanjay Nishad, visited Bahraich district headquarters on Wednesday afternoon and held an important meeting with officials at the Collectorate. In this meeting, he discussed issues related to wolf attacks besides security arrangements. He said that the number of shooters has been doubled. He said that if they are not caught, then the possibility of killing them cannot be ruled out.

Sanjay Nishad appealed to people to be cautious and said that until the wolves are caught, no one should sleep outside the house. He said that the number of wolf catchers has been doubled. He stressed that in previous years, such as 2002 and 2004, 34 cases were reported here, but this time only 10 cases have been reported.

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The wolf’s house has sunk…

Sanjay Nishad clarified that even a single case is not appropriate and it should be stopped. The UP government minister said that a target of 10 days has been set to catch the wolf. Due to the flood, the wolf’s home has been submerged and they have become irritable due to this reason. The wolf’s method of attack is also different.

The number of shooters has been doubled

Minister Sanjay Nishad said that the number of shooters has been doubled from 9 to 18. Only trained shooters are being deployed, who will kill only the wolf and will not hurt anyone else.

Also read: Teddy dolls soaked in children’s urine will be used to catch wolves, a new trap laid for man-eaters

The minister said that Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath himself is monitoring and reviewing the wolf attacks. The electricity and health departments have also been put on alert. Three wolves have been seen in drone cameras, and work is on to confirm their number.

Safe places are being provided for the villagers whose houses have been submerged in the floods. Proper arrangements for doors and lights will be made. Minister Sanjay Nishad said that if the wolf is not caught, the possibility of killing it cannot be ruled out.


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