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‘I have also studied in the basement of Old Rajendra Nagar’….UPSC candidates got angry on X, said- Is life so cheap!

The case of the death of three UPSC students in Delhi yesterday (3 UPSC students died in Delhi) is hot. After the tragic death of 3 students in Rao Coaching Center located in Old Rajendra Nagar, everyone’s eyes are on the administration and coaching institutes. The students’ protest is continuing from the streets to social media. The students demand that the condition of coaching institutes be improved and strict action be taken. Let’s know what the students are saying on social media.

held the administration responsible

Regarding this accident, a user wrote on social media that ‘No one is blaming the people responsible. Say it loud and clear. The district administration, coaching center, MCD and NCT government as well as the mayor are responsible for this’. Regarding Shreya Yadav, who lost her life in this accident, another user wrote that ‘Shreya Yadav’s father had enrolled her in Delhi’s most expensive coaching #RaoIAS by selling milk. Shreya was a promising student, the family was confident that Shreya would become an IAS’.

‘The negligence of the coaching institutes has shattered the dreams of Shreya and her family’. Another user wrote, there is an urgent need to ensure the safety of students in Old Rajendra Nagar by regulating coaching institutes, libraries and hostels. #UPSCaspirants. Another Twitter user wrote, it could be anyone… even me, I studied in the basement of old Rajendra Nagar… life is very cheap in India.

DSP Anjali Kataria of Uttar Pradesh Police wrote from her social media handle that ‘You pay ₹12-15 thousand rent for a 10×10 feet room in Delhi, where the cartel of landlords keeps increasing the rent and then you sit in the room studying and watch online videos. Don’t go to Delhi just to get away from home and don’t waste your family’s money’.

Police took action

Police arrested 5 more people on Monday in connection with the Old Rajendra Nagar coaching centre accident. Earlier, the owner and coordinator of the coaching centre were also arrested. Police also arrested the driver of the SUV who drove through the main road. It is being said that the pressure increased due to the car passing through and water entered the building.

The police have seized the SUV that hit the gate of the coaching centre. Police say that the number of arrested accused has gone up to 7. Among the five people arrested today, four are relatives of the building owner including his son and one is the owner of the car whose pressure caused water to enter the building. Police said that strict action will be taken against all other people involved in the case. At the same time, preparations have begun to remove illegal encroachment near the coaching centre. A bulldozer has reached the spot.

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